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Dúvida Questão Lab QoS

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  • Autor
    • #45982
      Fernando F. Silva

      Pessoal, estou em dúvida em um Lab de QoS.

      On the R1 WAN edge router, configure the appropriate MQC based queuing mechanism for the outbound traffic to the WAN (S/0) so that the following requirement will be met. A strict priority queue with a 168 Kbps bandwidth guarantee for the class voice is reserved, a minimum bandwidth guarantee of 30 Kbps for the class interactive, a minimum bandwidth guarantee of 16 Kbps for class bulk, and the default class is configured of WFQ with no bandwidth guarantee.
      In addition, also limit the bulk traffic class to an average rate of 24 Kbps by buffering excess traffic (use the IOS default Bc and Be)
      Use a policy-map called “llq-policy” and reference the existing class-maps already configured on the router.

      Traffic Class Name Bandwidth Guarantee
      voice 168 Kbps (use the IOS default burst value)
      interactive 30 Kbps minimum
      bulk 16 Kbps minimum (for the bulk traffic class, also limit to and average rate of 24 Kbps by buffering excess traffic)
      use IOS default Bc and Be)
      class-default Weight Fair Queue with no bandwidth guarantee


      policy-map llq-policy
      class voice
      priority 168
      class interactive
      bandwidth 30
      class bulk
      shape average 24000
      class class-default
      interface serial 0/0
      service-policy output llq-policy

      Seria esta a configuração correta? [as classes já estão configuradas corretamente]

      Agradeço desde já a atenção.

    • #84851
      Daniel Valente

      Puts, acabei de fazer a prova 642-642 … e oiah quem ta aqui! rs.

      class bulk
      bandwidth 16 <---- aqui vc define o minimum
      shape average 24000

      E isso aqui nao rpecisa, já que é o default:

      class class-default

    • #84852
      Fernando F. Silva

      @Daniel Valente

      Obrigado, estava em dúvida em relação ao comando bandwidth

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