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  • leandrogrilli


    em resposta a: Configuração Eigrp Asa e Sw layer 3 #188740



    Já tentei espaço com bits de 120000.
    Não funcionou


    Sim. Desbloquiei um 7600.


    Nada. Dou o comando de parada nos momentos que a documentação diz pra fazer e nada acontece.




    Console sem adaptador usb. Teraterm. Comando alt+b .
    Sei que ele vai me dar a opção de zerar pra padrão de fábrica, mais não chego nem nisso.

    em resposta a: ME 3600 24cx (mudança de “Mode of Operation”)!!!!!!!!! #117124

    To enable I/O Mode 1, use the sdm prefer 2 command, and reload the system.

    I/O Mode 2

    In I/O Mode 2 the following ports are available:

    Eight GigabitEthernet ports 0/1 to 0/8
    Four TenGigabitEthernet ports 0/1 to 0/4
    Management port GigabitEthernet 0/0

    To enable I/O Mode 2, use the sdm prefer 4 command and reload the system.


    TenGigabitEthernet port 0/1 can be bundled only with TenGigabit port 0/2 for Etherchannel (and vice-versa).

    TenGigabit port 0/3 can be bundled only with TenGigabit port 0/4 for Etherchannel (and vice-versa).

    I/O Mode 3

    In I/O Mode 3 the following ports are available:

    16 GigabitEthernet ports
    Three TenGigabitEthernet ports
    Management port GigabitEthernet 0/0

    em resposta a: ME 3600 24cx (mudança de “Mode of Operation”)!!!!!!!!! #117123

    TUIUTI_01#show sdm prefer current
    The current License is AdvancedMetroIPAccess
    The current template is “default” template.

    Template values:
    number of mac table entries = 16000
    number of ipv4 routes = 20000
    number of ipv6 routes = 6000
    number of routing groups = 1000
    number of multicast groups = 1000
    number of bridge domains = 4096
    number of acl entries = 2000
    number of MDT mroutes = 0
    number of ipv6 acl entries = 1000
    number of ipv4 pbr entries = 0

    Present Operational mode is IO-Mode 1: 24 Gig Ports, 2 TenGig Ports

    em resposta a: ME 3600 24cx (mudança de “Mode of Operation”)!!!!!!!!! #117122
    em resposta a: ME 3600 24cx (mudança de “Mode of Operation”)!!!!!!!!! #117121

    Tem sim.
    Ele nem te mostras as outras na configuração.
    TUIUTI_01#show ip int br
    Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
    GigabitEthernet0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
    Vlan1 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
    Vlan107 YES manual up up
    GigabitEthernet0/1 unassigned YES unset up up
    GigabitEthernet0/2 unassigned YES unset up up
    GigabitEthernet0/3 unassigned YES unset up up
    GigabitEthernet0/4 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
    GigabitEthernet0/5 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/6 unassigned YES unset up up
    GigabitEthernet0/7 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/8 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/9 unassigned YES unset up up
    GigabitEthernet0/10 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
    GigabitEthernet0/11 unassigned YES unset up up
    GigabitEthernet0/12 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/13 unassigned YES unset up up
    GigabitEthernet0/14 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/15 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/16 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/17 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/18 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/19 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/20 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/21 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/22 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/23 unassigned YES unset down down
    GigabitEthernet0/24 unassigned YES unset down down
    TenGigabitEthernet0/1 unassigned YES unset up up
    TenGigabitEthernet0/2 unassigned YES unset up up

    Ele nem mostra a TEN 0/2 nem 0/3.
    Tem que mudar o operation mode.

    em resposta a: OutDiscards do ME-3600X para ME-3400 #112180

    Segundo a cisco estas podem ser as causas.
    Inferior Speed/Duplex for the Amount of Traffic

    Your network can send too many packets through this port for the port to handle at its current speed/duplex setting. This can happen where you have multiple high-speed ports flowing to a single (usually slower) port. You can move the device that hangs off this port to faster media. For example, if the port is 10 Mbps, move this device to a 100 Mbps or Gigabit port. You can change the topology to route frames differently.

    Congestion Issues: Segment Too Busy

    If the segment is shared, other devices on this segment can transmit so much that the switch has no opportunity to transmit. Avoid daisy-chained hubs whenever possible. Congestion can lead to packet loss. Packet loss causes retransmissions at the transport layer which in turn causes users to experience latency at the application level. You can upgrade10Mbps links to 100Mbps or Gigabit Ethernet links when possible. You can remove some devices from crowded segments to other less populated segments. Make congestion avoidance a priority on your network.


    At times the traffic transmission characteristics of the applications used can lead to output buffer problems. NFS file transfers that come from a Gigabit attached server that uses user datagram protocol (UDP) with a 32K window size is one example of an application setting that can bring out this type of problem. If you have checked or tried the other suggestions in this document (checked speed/duplex, no physical errors on the link, all the traffic is normal valid traffic, and so on), then reducing the unit size that is sent by the application can help alleviate this problem.

    Alguém concorda?
    problemas quando o trafego vem de duas portas distintas e precisa ser encaminhado para apenas uma.

    em resposta a: OutDiscards do ME-3600X para ME-3400 #112179

    Tenho duas interfaces de ME-3600( Gi 0/23 e 0/24) conectadas a operadora(ISP/BGP). E a Gi 0/22 conectada ao 3400( trunk – rede interna).
    Quando somente um link de entrada esta ativo ( 0/23 ou 0/24) não há OutDiscards na pora 0/22 do 3600.
    Mas quando ativo outro link ( 0/23 e 0/24 juntos) começa a aparecer OutDiscards na 0/22 virada para o 34000.
    Não importando o volume de trafego:
    Se eu tenho 100Mb entrando na 0/23 ou 0/24 e 100Mb saindo pela 0/22 nao há OutDiscards.
    Mas se eu tenho 50Mb entrando pela 0/23 + 50 MB entrando pela 0/24 e 100Mb saindo pela 0/22 o OutDiscards incrementa rapidamente.

    em resposta a: OutDiscards do ME-3600X para ME-3400 #112178

    Cisco IOS Software, ME360x Software (ME360x-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.1(2)EY, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
    Copyright (c) 1986-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Fri 29-Jul-11 17:14 by prod_rel_team

    Cisco IOS Software, ME340x Software (ME340x-METROACCESSK9-M), Version 12.2(50)SE1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
    Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Mon 06-Apr-09 10:05 by amvarma
    Image text-base: 0x00003000, data-base: 0x01400000

    em resposta a: OutDiscards do ME-3600X para ME-3400 #112177
    em resposta a: OutDiscards do ME-3600X para ME-3400 #112176

    Sim Sao.
    Já aumetei o MTU do ME-3600 para 9000 e coloquei “system mtu jumbo” no ME-3400.
    O cenario continua o mesmo.


    Quando ativo a nova interface fica dado OUTDsicart


    Port Align-Err FCS-Err Xmit-Err Rcv-Err UnderSize OutDiscards
    Te0/1 0 0 0 0 0 17367807

    Port Single-Col Multi-Col Late-Col Excess-Col Carri-Sen Runts Giants
    Te0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


    Antes de ativas a segunda sessão BGP.


    A configuração de BGP é bem simples.
    Cada ip de borda com a operadora é colocado em um a interface vlan e a porta do switch L3 ~e acossiada a vlan correspondente.
    Já tentei associar o IP direto a porta. Mas acontece a mesma coisa.

    configuracao de BGP é somente os neighbors e mais nada.
    A operadora envia somente rota zero.

    Em relação a ser físico? não perde pacote pro primeiro switch da rede interna antes de eu ativar a segunda sessão no router de borda.

    em resposta a: PTT com quedas de trafego frequentes. #107697

    Na verdade pedir pro pessoal do link parar de me anunciar pro chache do google.

    em resposta a: PTT com quedas de trafego frequentes. #107696


    em resposta a: Problemas com BGP. #106530

    Não… desculpe… Neste momento estava sem filtro.

    em resposta a: Problemas com BGP. #106527

    pra quem nunca vui um router que tem mais rota que memória.
    Vou aplicar filtros.
    *Jan 26 19:07:32.606: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor c.c.c.c Up
    *Jan 26 19:07:49.182: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 32768 bytes failed from 0x62F4D780, alignment 0
    Pool: Processor Free: 57620 Cause: Memory fragmentation
    Alternate Pool: None Free: 0 Cause: No Alternate pool
    -Process= “BGP Router”, ipl= 0, pid= 146, -Traceback= 0x62F2EDA4z 0x62F4C1E8z 0x60E60C44z 0x60E61448z 0x60F17C8Cz 0x60F19610z 0x60E7CB4Cz 0x60E7D00Cz 0x60E7D6B0z
    *Jan 26 19:07:49.182: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor c,c,c,c,c1 Down BGP Notification sent
    *Jan 26 19:07:49.182: %BGP-3-NOTIFICATION: sent to neighbor c.c.c.c. 3/1 (update malformed) 0 bytes
    *Jan 26 19:07:49.182: %BGP-4-MSGDUMP: unsupported or mal-formatted message received from c.c.c.c.1:
    FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 0047 0200 0000 2C40 0101 0040 021E 0207
    0004 0359 0000 49C1 0000 0DDD 0000 0D1C 0000 02A8 0000 02A8 0000 8B78 4003 04B1
    858D 1118 50F5 91
    *Jan 26 19:07:49.182: %BGP-4-BGP_OUT_OF_MEMORY: BGP resetting because of memory exhaustion.

    em resposta a: Problemas com BGP. #106526

    O questão era bem mais simples.
    Lembra que disse que a borda tinha 2 links para a rede interna, para dar 2G.
    Intaum. Eu tava fechando vizinhança com um desses dois endereços, porem como é multi-hoop hora ele respondia por uma e hora por outra.
    Fixei o update-source no router(MK) e o problema não existe mais.
    Obrigado a todos.

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