20 sites úteis para profissionais Cisco

Tirado do site networkworld.com (em inglês):


If you’re studying for Cisco exams and just about to tear your hair out, don’t fret, there are many others in the same position, and many of them are writing up their experiences in their blogs and passing along hints and tips. Even if you’re a CCIE pro, there’s always room for personal improvement and expansion. With that in mind we’ve scoured the Web to bring you our top 20 most useful Web resources for Cisco networking professionals. Of course, we don’t want you to forget the resources and blogs of Cisco Subnet and our own bloggers, so we’ll give a recap of our own Cisco resources and bloggers at the end of our top 20 list.

Quem sabe um dia o blog do marco entre nessa lista? Vamos ajudar que um dia vai!!



1 comentário

  1. Ae Rodrigo, muito interessante mesmo, te muita informação neste link, vale muito apena mesmo garimpar o endereço…heheheh, valeu !!!

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